Thursday, September 11, 2014

Beauty Scenario Tag!

Alright, nobody tagged me but I needed something to keep this space alive but I couldn't think of anything that I could share so yup, the Beauty Scenario tag! Saw it on Bubz's channel and decided to do it in a post.

Here we go...

1. You have to get rid of all your foundations and you can only keep one high end and one drugstore, which do you keep?

Ermm. I sure do have a few foundations, but I don't have any high end nor drugstore ones cus all I have are from different Korean stores. But if I could only keep one I would choose the Innisfree Water Glow Cushion because that one gives a healthy glow and it doesn't feel at all heavy even if I pile it up a lot, and it is not drying to the skin.

2. You go for an interview and the lady interviewing you has lipstick on her teeth. Do you approach the subject or ignore it completely?

I think I will tell her given my straightforward personality?

3. You’re not feeling yourself and you need a pick me up lipstick, which one do you go for?

Lip Tint can? Cus I don't really use lipsticks lolol. Anyway it's the Etude House Color Pop Tint in Passion Pop! It's a bright red colour and I only go for red/orange lip colours.

4. You go back in time for a day to your teenage years, how would you do your hair and makeup differently?

No fake lashes, No thick eyeliner, EYEBROWS (I used to not do my eyebrows). Then if you're referring to my second phase where I started doing the brows, THINNER BROWS PLEASE. Most importantly, no layered hair and no red hair.

5. You ask your hairdresser for a shoulder length Pixie Lott hair cut, but they hear you wrong and give you a pixie haircut. Do you, 

a) Smile, say thank you, leave, call your mum and cry hysterically, 
b) Cry in the chair and things get awkward, or 
c) Complain to the manager and demand a refund?

None of the above cus I'll cry at home and get hair extensions.

6. Your friend surprises you with a 4-day city break and you have 1 hour to pack. Which ‘do it all’ palette do you pack in your makeup bag?

I don't really have a palette with all the needed colours and I usually don't do any full makeup unless I am going to work so, I think I'll only bring along my Water Glow Cushion?

7. Your house has been robbed, don’t worry everyone is safe, but your beauty stash has been raided. What’s the product you really hope is safe?

Again, it's the Water Glow Cushion (go check it out already please)

8. Your friend borrows your makeup and returns it in awful condition. Do you, a) Just pretend you haven’t noticed, 

b) Ask them to repurchase it, or 
c) Secretly do the same to something of theirs?

Depending on what it is, I usually have backups of products that I really really like and use the most often. So if I have backups I'll just reprimand them and then let it go. If not, ask them to repurchase (tell me am I a very bad friend?)

Courtesy of Bubz's video! I'm sorry if this went really boring for you but thanks for reading. Till next time, x.

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